• Piano

  • Private Piano Lessons

    Every piano lesson is tailored to each individual student's needs. Grow and achieve goals. Learn piano from experts.

    The piano may be the most versatile of all instruments taught at School Of Voice. In addition to its solo repertoire, which spans over four hundred years of music history, the piano is used to accompany singers and appears in ensembles of all sizes and in virtually all styles of music.

    Our accomplished piano faculty consists of highly trained, dedicated and experienced teachers who have experience performing in a variety of styles, including classical, jazz, and rhythm and blues. Our piano teachers share a passion for new learners to musical performance.

    The study of piano provides younger students with a solid foundation in music theory and a natural transition to composition. Piano is also and excellent first instrument for students who may later wish to investigate other instruments or to study voice.

    School Of Voice offers private piano instruction to children and adults of all levels and abilities. Private lessons allow our teachers to tailor their instruction to the needs, abilities, and learning style of the individual student.

    We strongly recommend owning, renting, or borrowing an acoustic piano for practice. A keyboard with weighted keys will work for the first few years. Let us know if you want help finding a piano to rent or buy.


  • Teachers
  • Voice Training & Vocal Coaching, Piano, Stage Performance, Artist Development

    About Julia

    Julia Dawson
    Julia Dawson

    Voice Training & Vocal Coaching, Piano, Stage Performance, Artist Development

    About Julia

  • Voice Training & Vocal Coaching, Piano, Composition and Music Theory, Choir, Ensemble, Rhythm Solfeggio

    About Daria

    Daria Kozyk
    Daria Kozyk

    Voice Training & Vocal Coaching, Piano, Composition and Music Theory, Choir, Ensemble, Rhythm Solfeggio

    About Daria

  • Voice Training & Vocal Coaching, Piano, Guitar, Cello, Songwriting

    About Amber

    Amber Fasquelle
    Amber Fasquelle

    Voice Training & Vocal Coaching, Piano, Guitar, Cello, Songwriting

    About Amber

  • Voice Training & Vocal Coaching, Songwriting, Piano, Ukulele, Sight Reading

    About Samantha

    Samantha Bank
    Samantha Bank

    Voice Training & Vocal Coaching, Songwriting, Piano, Ukulele, Sight Reading

    About Samantha

  • Voice Training & Vocal Coaching, Stage Performance, Songwriting, Piano, Ukulele

    About Rose

    Rose Nolan
    Rose Nolan

    Voice Training & Vocal Coaching, Stage Performance, Songwriting, Piano, Ukulele

    About Rose

  • Voice Training & Vocal Coaching, Piano

    About Sarah

    Sarah Vautour
    Sarah Vautour

    Voice Training & Vocal Coaching, Piano

    About Sarah


    About Kara

    Kara Johnstad
    Kara Johnstad


    About Kara

  • happy clients

  • “Working with Kara was amazingly playful and very inspiring. I have been playing the piano every day ever since! “

    Sarah Alles - professional actress and songwriter / Play Piano in One Day Workshop

  • Taking part in Kara's “Learn to Play Piano in One Day" training has offered me the possibility to soothe my overcritical mind and I now find myself playful, curious, and brave.
    One afternoon I discovered how to use the piano to make music, and be inventive with rhythm, and gave us the tools to grow slowly yet continuously in the future. Truly mind-blowing!
    Kara’s workshop and approach eased me so much that I now dare to play and accompany pop music without fear or hesitation. It is now fun again and I am open to learning ever since.
    I love and appreciate Kara's unconventional playful and loving way of teaching. I have profited from that so much

    Ate Schell - Professional Singer and Vocal Coach at the European Institute of Theater | Play Piano In One Day Workshop

  • Kara, I loved your piano workshop and spent many hours this evening playing Adele songs with my son. Am very excited. Thank you again !!!

    Syd Atlas - Keynote Speaker, Presentation Coach and Consultant | Learn Piano in One Day Workshop

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