• Holiday Calendar

  • Our students can take time off during the school vacations or continue their regular singing and music lessons. Please note that you must inform us at least one week before the next date. Public holidays, bridging days, or vacation periods are not accounted for.

    Students with a legacy “BASIC PLAN” monthly subscription are exceptions to this. These students do not receive lessons during Berlin school vacations, public holidays, and bridge days.

  • School Holidays in the academic year 2024/2025
    This only applies to students who have enrolled for the BASIC plan.
    Ferienbeginn Ferienende erster Unterrichtstag
    Unterrichtfreier Tag Fr 04.10.2024 Fr. 04.10.2024 Mo 07.10.2024
    Herbstferien Mo 21.10.2024 Sa 02.11.2024 Mo 04.11.2024
    Weihnachtsferien Mo 23.12.2024 Di 31.12.2024 Do 02.01.2025
    Winterferien Mo 03.02.2025 Sa 08.02.2025 Mo 10.02.2025
    Osterferien Mo 14.04.2025 Fr 25.04.2025 Mo 28.04.2025
    Unterrichtsfreier Tag Fr 02.05.2025 Fr 02.05.2025 Mo 05.05.2025
    Unterrichtsfreier Tag Fr 30.05.2025 Fr 30.05.2025 Mo 02.06.2025
    Pfngstferien Di 10.06.2025 Di 10.06.2025 Mi 11.06.2025
    Sommerferien Do 24.07.2025 Sa 06.09.2025 Mo 08.09.2025
  • Quelle: Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, Jugend und Familie
    The vacation regulations for the John F. Kennedy School and other schools, in particular private schools, may deviate from the general vacation regulations.

  • Public holidays 2024 in Berlin
    Date Day Holiday
    01.01.2024 (Monday) New Year's Day
    08.03.2024 (Friday) International Women's Day
    29.03.2024 (Friday) Good Friday
    01.04.2024 (Monday) Easter Monday
    01.05.2024 (Wednesday) Labor Day
    09.05.2024 (Thursday) Ascension Day
    20.05.2024 (Monday) Whit Monday
    03.10.2024 (Thursday) German Unity Day
    25.12.2024 (Wednesday) Christmas Day
    26.12.2024 (Thursday) 2nd Christmas Day

  • School Holidays in the academic year 2025/2026
    This only applies to students who have enrolled for the BASIC plan.
    Ferienbeginn Ferienende erster Unterrichtstag
    Herbstferien Mo 20.10.2025 Sa 01.11.2025 Mo 03.11.2025
    Weihnachtsferien Mo 22.12.2025 Fr 02.01.2026 Mo 05.01.2026
    Winterferien Mo 02.02.2026 Sa 07.02.2026 Mo 09.02.2026
    Osterferien Mo 30.03.2026 Fr 10.04.2026 Mo 13.04.2026
    Unterrichtsfreier Tag Fr 15.05.2026 Fr 15.05.2026 Mo 18.05.2026
    Pfngstferien Di 26.05.2026 Di 26.05.2026 Mi 27.05.2026
    Sommerferien Do 09.07.2026 Sa 22.08.2026 Mo 24.08.2026
  • Quelle: Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, Jugend und Familie
    The vacation regulations for the John F. Kennedy School and other schools, in particular private schools, may deviate from the general vacation regulations.

  • Public holidays 2025 in Berlin
    Holiday Date
    Neujahr 01.01.2025 (Mittwoch)
    Internationaler Frauentag 08.03.2025 (Samstag)
    Karfreitag in Deutschland 18.04.2025 (Freitag)
    Ostermontag 21.04.2025 (Montag)
    Tag der Arbeit 01.05.2025 (Donnerstag)
    Christi Himmelfahrt 29.05.2025 (Donnerstag)
    Pfingstmontag 09.06.2025 (Montag)
    Tag der Deutschen Einheit 03.10.2025 (Freitag)
    1. Weihnachtstag 25.12.2025 (Donnerstag)
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