There are so many different parts of setting up and running a successful business, and learning how they are all intertwined from an educated and experienced professional will save you a lot of time and heartache later. Find out what type of business[...]
There are so many different parts of setting up and running a successful business, and learning how they are all intertwined from an educated and experienced professional will save you a lot of time [...]
You'll receive a powerful in-person theme coaching experience based on your individual topic at hand. We can act as your in-house expert. Get rolling [...]
For those performers looking to develop their artistry further and have the business-savvy required to compete and be successful in the very fast-paced music industry, we offer a variety of services in both full and part time formats. Our Artist Development Program is uniquely valuable due to the specific first hand experience of our seasoned staff made up of stage and studio performance pros and business pros with a proven track record. In addition, School Of Voice draws on a vast network of world class industry professionals in the fields of solo music performances, event organizing, recording studio ownership, music arranging, recording and mastering, and a business consultant on site, we have everything you need to take your training to the next level right now!
On the business side of things, Music Business Consulting is arguably one of the most important services that we offer. The music industry is a big business that if not understood completely, can cost you a lot of money, frustration and turmoil. Our consulting services explain how the industry works in terms you can understand, how to get signed to a major record label, how to best market your talents, what other lucrative career options there are besides just performing, how to read different contracts, how to determine when you need a lawyer, and understanding the reality of what you’re truly getting yourself into.
There are so many different parts of the music business, and learning how they are all intertwined from an educated and experienced professional will save you, your family member, or client a lot of time and heartache later. Find out what type of music profession best suits you and put yourself on the right path for success by gaining the knowledge you need to make the right choices for yourself and your family.
Shape your destiny. Embrace uncertainty. Transform your life today.
Unsere Spezialität ist die Stimm- und Gesangsausbildung. Wir unterrichten auch mit Begeisterung das Spielen eines Instruments. Wir erkennen Begabungen und fördern das individuelle Talent, sind Lehrer und Mentor zugleich, so dass jeder Schüler sein bestmöglicher Musiker sein wird. Letztendlich sind es aber die vertrauensvollen Beziehungen zum Schüler und dessen Familie, welche Musikbegeisterten jeglichen Alters die lebenslange Wertschätzung und Freude an der Musik und Kreativität vermitteln.